A Wildlife Sanctuary Home to Black Bears


The American Bear Association Vince Shutte Wildlife Sanctuary in Northern Minnesota is an open sanctuary, meaning wild black bears freely roam in and out. The sanctuary has a complex history that provides a unique opportunity to view and get to know black bears close up in their natural habitat.

In 2017 and 2018 I booked private photography sessions at the sanctuary and spent hours among black bears of all ages and sizes. It was awe-inspiring to be in their presence. Each bear has a story to tell.

Mr. Handsome

Large male black bear portrait

Mr. Handsome 18x14” oil ©2018 Susan McDonnell Private collection

“Mr.Handsome” is a large male black bear. I saw him about 6:30 am when the sun was just beginning to burn off the dew and chill of the night. He had eaten, was sitting upright and soaking in the sun on his back with a look of complete contentment.

The title of this painting came to me every time I sat down to paint it. It cracked me up. Something about the look and angle of the head told me this bear knew he was good looking and a little better than the other bears.

June 12, 2022